Roof Cleaning in Lake Grove, NY 11755

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Consider Contacting a Lake Grove, NY Company That Power Washes Roofs

Are you a Suffolk County homeowner, business owner, or property manager? Are you looking for a company that power washes roofs? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, then you’ve come to the right place! The Clean Team is a leading Lake Grove, NY roof cleaning company that has been cleaning the residential and commercial roofs of Suffolk County for years. Asphalt shingles, clay tile, and metal roofing systems; no matter what kind of roof you have and how dirty and dingy it may be, you can count on our professionally trained technicians to restore its appearance and preserve its structural integrity. When you’re looking for a reliable company that power washes roofs, get in touch with The Clean Team!

Power Wash Roof in Lake Grove, NY

Signs You Should Schedule an Appointment with a Lake Grove, NY Roof Cleaning Company

Though you may not give it the attention it deserves, the roof is one of the most important parts of your Suffolk County house. It’s what protects the interior of your house – and you – from the elements, including rain, wind, sleet, snow, UV rays, and extreme temperatures. In other words, the roof has a direct impact on the safety and comfort of your Suffolk County home. In addition to the protection it provides, the roof also affects the overall curb appeal of your property.

Because it’s so important, in order to ensure that your roof remains in tip-top condition, it has to be properly maintained. One of the best ways to maintain the structure is by investing in the services of a company power washes roofs. A Lake Grove, NY roof cleaning company will remove built-up dirt, debris, mold, mildew, algae, moss, lichen, and other organic materials, which will not only improve its appearance but will preserve its structural integrity. But how do you know when you should have your roof cleaned? The following are telltale signs that it’s time to schedule an appointment with a Lake Grove, NY roof cleaning professional.

You’re Seeing Green

When you look up at your roof, do you see patches of green anywhere? If so, that’s a sign that you’re definitely going to want to call a Lake Grove, NY roof cleaning company. The green that you’re seeing could be moss, mold, algae, lichen, or mildew. These organic materials thrive in warm, moist environments, making a roof the perfect breeding ground. Not only do they detract from the visual appeal of the exterior of your Suffolk County house, but if left unchecked, they can cause serious damage. Moss, mildew, mold, algae, and lichen are all living organisms, and they feed on the organic materials they grow on, such as asphalt shingles, clay tiles, and even the underlying decking. In other words, these organisms can leave serious damage in their wake.

If your Suffolk County roof appears to be green, schedule an appointment with a company that power washes roofs as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the problem will become.

Black Streaks Have Developed

Green isn’t the only color you need to worry about. Black is a serious concern, too. Mold isn’t always green; it can also be black. Mold is a fungus, and there are several different species. Some of those species are black in color, and in fact, black molds are considered to be the most hazardous. Not only can they cause structural damage to a roof, but the spores that they release are known to cause adverse health effects. If black mold is growing on your roof, the spores can blow into your Suffolk County house, and you and your loved ones could breathe them in. Exposure to black mold can cause allergic reactions, can worsen existing respiratory conditions, such as COPD and asthma, can cause new respiratory illnesses, and can even lead to lethargy and mood changes.

If black streaks have appeared on your Suffolk County roof, get in touch with a company that power washes roofs right away. If you delay, the structural damage the mold growth can cause will worsen, and there’s a good chance that you and your loved ones will suffer allergic reactions or illnesses.

It’s Discolored and Lackluster

Dirt and debris buildup can discolor your Suffolk County roof and make it look lackluster. The more the dirt and debris build-up, the less appealing your roof will look. Debris buildup isn’t just a cosmetic issue; it can cause structural issues, too. As dust, mud, sand, twigs, leaves, and other materials accumulate on your roof, the shingles or tiles can crack or chip, and when that happens, leaks can occur. Plus, built-up debris can increase the risk of pest infestations. All types of insects and critters are attracted to the gunk that piles up on roofs. They feed on it and seek shelter in it. As they scurry across your roof, they can damage the shingles and tiles, and they could even burrow through the roofing materials and take up residence inside your Suffolk County home.

If your roof appears discolored and lackluster, schedule an appointment with a professional that power washes roofs. A reputable Lake Grove, NY roof cleaning company will eliminate the built-up, caked-on debris, not only improving its appearance but also reducing the risk of structural damage, as well as pest infestations.

For Safe, Efficient, and Reliable Roof Cleaning Services in Suffolk County, Call The Clean Team

If you’re experiencing any of the above-mentioned issues, or any other problem, scheduling an appointment with a company that power washes roofs as soon as possible is highly recommended. For the best roof cleaning services in Suffolk County, contact The Clean Team. As a leading Lake Grove, NY roof cleaning contractor, you can count on us to eliminate all kinds of dirt and debris, restore the curb appeal of your home, and prevent the risk of damage. For more information, to schedule a free consultation, or to request a free price quote, call 631-333-7955 today!

Some information about Lake Grove, NY

Lake Grove is a village in the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population was 11,163 at the 2010 census. The village is officially known as the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove.

The area of Lake Grove was settled in the early 18th century along Middle Country Road, which was then part of the Old Kings Highway, originally a Native American footpath. The community’s first church building, built in 1818, was the First Congregational Church of New Village. Placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002, the building has been preserved and is depicted on the village seal. In 1870, Lake Grove established its first post office, which carried the mail to and from Lakeland station (discontinued in 1883) by horse and wagon. The area was variously called Lakeland, Lakeville, New Village, Ronkonkoma or West Middle Island until it settled on the name Lake Grove in mid-19th century, after the groves of trees near Lake Ronkonkoma.

During the early 20th century Lake Ronkonkoma became a popular area for recreation, which prompted many small summer houses built on private roads of Lake Grove. In 1921, a new post office was erected in the eastern part of the area and given the name of . The next significant housing development built in Lake Grove was called Brook Lawn and was located on Stony Brook Road, which later grew into Stony Brook. More developments followed and the population of Lake Grove increased rapidly. In 1954, newly built Nesconset Highway created a major commercial crossroad in Lake Grove, which prompted the construction of the Smith Haven Mall in 1968, which made the local residents become concerned about the impact of new businesses and increased traffic in their community. In order to gain local control of the zoning and planning, Lake Grove was incorporated by a vote of 552 to 332 on September 9, 1968.

Learn more about Lake Grove.

Directions from Lake Grove, NY to The Clean Team

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